2019 UTS Australian Summer Accounting Conference - Call for Papers
7-8 February 2019
Call for Papers
The 21st annual Australian Summer Accounting Conference will be held at the University of Technology Sydney on 7-8 February 2019. The 2019 Summer Accounting Conference will comprise a key-note address and approximately 10 paper presentations. The key note speaker for 2019 will be Professor Joseph Weber, (MIT). Each paper presentation will be followed by an invited discussant. The conference regularly attracts leading accounting researchers from around the world, and presenters include faculty from leading institutions in North America, Europe and Asia. The Accounting Discipline Group at UTS is committed to ensuring that the Australian Summer Accounting Conference continues as the premier event of its type in the Australasian region.
Those interested in presenting a paper are encouraged to submit their work as soon as possible, but no later than 30 September 2018. Authors of selected papers will be advised no later than 31 October 2018. Papers are invited in any area of accounting. Early submissions are encouraged.
The UTS Accounting Discipline Group will provide financial support for presenters of selected papers. This support will typically cover a return economy airfare from their home city to Sydney, Australia and three nights’ accommodation.
General enquiries about the conference (including paper submissions or requests for invitations) should be directed to:
Katt Robertson
Accounting Discipline Group
UTS Business School
Email: katt.robertson@uts.edu.au
Ph. 61 2 9514 3560