2020 Financial Markets and Corporate Governance (FMCG) Conference
After successful 9th and 10th annual conferences in 2018 and 2019 in Melbourne and Sydney, respectively, with over 30 PhD students at the PhD symposiums and 120 academics at the conferences, the La Trobe Business School (LBS) is hosting the 11th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference in April 2020 in Melbourne, in conjunction with Macquarie University, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology, the University of Queensland, and the Victoria University of Wellington. We invite academics and PhD students to submit papers for consideration of presentation at the 11th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference and PhD symposium (FMCG 2020). The conference and PhD symposium will be held at the City Campus (CBD) of La Trobe University - 360 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Conference Theme: Capital Markets, Governance, and Digital Finance
Professor Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
(Anderson School of Management, University of California Los Angeles)
Professor Robert Faff
(UQ Business School, University of Queensland).
Professor Stephen Taylor
(University of Technology, Sydney)
Professor Tom Smith
(Department of Applied Finance Centre & Actuarial Studies, Macquarie University; and UQ Business School, University of Queensland)
Further Details are HERE