Call for Applications - AFAANZ Research Fund
The AFAANZ Research Fund (ARF) Annual Grants Program is designed to encourage and support members by providing funding for research projects. The 2021 round will focus on quality projects that address or respond to contemporary and future challenges to, and/or have implications for, accounting and finance practice, policy and/or the professions. Grants are competitive, and are primarily intended to support small-scale projects of up to one year’s duration or to assist in seed funding for larger scale projects. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to conduct the proposed research and show how the project will benefit the research profile of the individuals and the discipline. The pool of funds comes directly from fees paid by institutional members. As such, access to the ARF is limited to AFAANZ members based at a member institution.
To see more information on the application process and eligibility see HERE.
To access the application portal, go to
Deadline for applications: 30 April, 2020
![]() Emeritus Professor David Emanuel (15 April 1944-18 February 2021)
David had a long and distinguished career at the University of Auckland. He first joined the University as a Lecturer in 1968, and was there till 1971 before heading off overseas to do a stint at the University of Western Australia. In 1975, David returned to the University of Auckland as an Associate Professor, before being promoted in 1981 to Professor in the Department of Accountancy (as it was known then), two years prior to receiving his PhD in Accountancy from the University of Auckland. David, who retired in 2017, contributed greatly to the University of Auckland and to the accounting academic and professional communities in New Zealand and Australia. In his early years, he was very prominent in the setting of accounting standards used by companies and other entities in New Zealand to report their financial results. Students and staff (both current and previous), and those who knew David in the profession and in other contexts have benefited enormously from his vast knowledge and experience. He was a valued mentor to many.
Norman Wong, Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Auckland
![]() To register, please click on this link
AFAANZ is introducing new membership categories to support our members:
All memberships are $20 plus GST. More details and criteria are available on the AFAANZ website. Please email to request membership (with supporting documents if required).
AFAANZ Doctoral Symposium Program
AFAANZ is proud of its tradition in holding its annual Doctoral Symposium for those undertaking their PhD studies. Information on the Doctoral Symposium being held from 28th June to 30th June prior to the virtual conference has been sent to the Heads of Institutional Members of AFAANZ. Nominations have been extended until Friday 12th March, please contact for details.
The Directors for the Centre for Accounting and Industry Partnerships are pleased to present the 2021 Australian Accounting Hall of Fame Awards. This is the Department of Accounting's premier event at which we recognise and celebrate the achievements of the 2021 Inductees into the Australian Accounting Hall of Fame.
The 2021 inductees are:
The speaker of the 2021 Colin Ferguson Oration is Professor Sharon Lewin AO.
This event is fully virtual in 2021. Please register via the link below. Instructions to view the event will be shared with registrants on the day.
Accounting Education Special Interest Group (SIG 5) Virtual Symposium
Learning and Teaching in 2021 and beyond: a chance to reflect, adapt and evolve.
Call for papers, Presentations and Interesting Innovations Saturday 03 July 2021 - in Conjunction with 2021 Virtual AFAANZ Conference.
In addition to the research papers presented and providing an opportunity to discuss ideas, share best practice and suggest directions for future research.
Join us on-line for a chance to take part in a symposium on accounting education that will explore what is possible and how COVID responses will impact accounting education going forward. The symposium celebrates best practice education and research through a program of papers, panel sessions, and presentations by academics and industry.
This year the symposium will engage you with the theme “Teaching and Learning in Tough Times, a chance to reflect and move on”. Inviting participants to explore what they teach, why they teach it and what they can change to create a learning environment in accounting education that embraces the changes we face in the 2020’s.
We will endeavour to explore topics such as:
Contributions to the symposium in the form of papers, workshop sessions (including the resources workshop outlined below) are invited from educators, industry members and professional bodies. Abstracts will be peer reviewed.
Submissions, nominations and expressions of interest should be made electronically. For further information or to make a submission please email us at: The deadline for submissions is 3 May 2021. Earlier submission is encouraged. Please note: for paper presentations please submit a full copy of the proposed paper.
Acceptance Authors will be notified of acceptance by 14 May 2021 and will be required to notify us by 18 May 2021 of intention to attend and present. We look forward to meeting you all on-line for what we hope to be an engaging an invigorating experience.
SIG5 Committee: Paul Wells, Scott Copeland, Dianne McGrath, Leopold Bayerlein, Ellie Chapple, Ruth Dimes, Matt Dyki, Kim Ferlauto, Nick McGuigan, Bernadette Smith, Meredith Tharapos and Amanda White.
![]() Call for Papers
2021 International Accounting Standards Board Research Forum will be held in conjunction with Accounting and Finance.
The Forum will be held in a major city in southern Asia on 1-2 November 2021 but held virtually if travel is not possible. The Editors of the A&F/IASB Research Forum Special Issue, Tom Smith and Gary Monroe, invite submissions that provide evidence to help inform the standard-setting activities of the IASB.
AFAANZ - Best PhD Award The Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand seeks to advance accounting and finance research by recognising and rewarding outstanding work of early career researchers. The Best PhD Award is being awarded each year to recognise the student of an outstanding accounting/finance PhD completed during the previous calendar year. For more details, click here. Nominations close on 31st March 2021.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of AFAANZ
Dear member,
This is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of AFAANZ. The details of this meeting are as follows: Date: Friday 7th May, 2021 This meeting will be an online meeting using Zoom. If you wish to attend the meeting or submit a question, please email and the link, agenda and reports will be emailed to you.
Hosting a conference in 2021? Need funding support? AFAANZ is offering $500 financial support for physical conferences and $250 for virtual conferences held by its Institutional Members in the disciplines of Accounting and Finance in 2021. See criteria and process HERE. Send your applications to
![]() The Australian Accounting Review is pleased to announce a call for papers for a Special Issue of the Journal that will publish academic research related to the application and impact of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. Research on all areas of IFRS 9, using a range of research methods, is welcome. The changes introduced by IFRS 9 include: (a) classification and measurement - a logical, single classification approach driven by cash flow characteristics and how financial instruments are managed; (b) impairment - forward-looking ‘expected credit loss’ impairment model; and (c) hedge accounting - requirements that better align with risk management activities. Changes to disclosure requirements were introduced in IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.
For full details, click HERE
Expressions of interest must be submitted by e-mail to Professor Michael Bradbury, by 15 April, 2021
![]() The European Accounting Association is expanding its activities in the field of education and teaching. In order to address the relevant topics with its activities and events, the EAA Education Committee wants to conduct a survey among its members but also non-members. Accounting has changed significantly over the last years and has affected both the opportunities and the challenges of teaching. The current Covid-19 situation has only accelerated the transformation. For this reason, the European Accounting Association (EAA) is proposing new activities, services, and education opportunities to face this new reality. The 2021 Education Survey is an excellent opportunity for you to let us know how we could address your needs. It will take less than 10 minutes to answer the questions. Your response to the survey will help us to understand how EAA may deliver more value for you.
![]() Upcoming AFAANZ Events
AFAANZ Doctoral Education Network (AFDEN)
AFDEN aims to facilitate the broad offering of coursework units/subjects relevant to PhD candidates in Accounting or Finance enrolled in Australian and New Zealand universities. The primary aim is to seamlessly facilitate a program providing PhD candidates the opportunity to develop world-class research skills and knowledge.
All details of 2021 courses can be found on the AFAANZ website.
![]() Accounting Education: Reflecting on 2020
March 5, 2021 1:00PM in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
We understand these are very challenging times for #educators and #students. Let's bring the #accountingeducation community together to reflect on the year that was 2020.
The purpose of this webinar is to have #accounting educators from across Australia and New Zealand to share experiences, learnings from 2020, discuss challenges and offer some advice for 2021.
To register, click HERE
QRAM is currently running a special issue “On Humans, Algorithms and Performance” with the guest editors:
The submission deadline for the special issue is 1 April 2021 and the call for papers can be found via this link.
Pacific Accounting Review (Special Issue) The impact of new technologies, the escalating social and environmental issues and accounting’s ability to adapt to the rapid pace of change and uncertainties are the major challenges facing the accounting profession. These challenges also raise a host of secondary issues that accountants will need to address in the foreseeable future. This special issue aims to encourage submission of papers on the theme “Accounting in Transition” with emphasis on technology, sustainability and diversity. We expect this special issue to generate new ideas of importance for accounting academic and practitioner discourse that will eventually influence change in how accounting is practised. We welcome submission of empirical research articles, viewpoints, reflections and commentary on topics relating to the theme. Click HERE for more details.
Review of Accounting Studies 2021 Conference Thursday, December 9th and Friday, December 10th, 2021 Hosted by the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California The Editors of the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) are pleased to announce a conference on "Current Topics in Accounting Research” to be hosted online by the University of Southern California. Papers accepted for the conference are also considered for publication in a conference issue of RAST. For all the details, click HERE The deadline for conference submissions is May 19, 2021 by 11:59 PM
The 2021 PMA Conference and related Special Issue of MAR welcome research on performance measurement and management in a dynamic environment. The 2021 PMA Conference will be at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, on July 4-7, 2021. Authors are welcome to submit their papers for consideration in a special issue of Management Accounting Research. Submission deadline is August 31, 2021. Click HERE for further details.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and The Accounting Review (TAR) have issued a joint call for academic research papers on how key standards are performing in the capital markets. Selected papers will be presented at a joint conference titled Accounting for an Ever-Changing World, currently scheduled for 2-4 November 2022 in New York City, and will be considered for publication in TAR (a publication of the American Accounting Association). For full details click HERE The deadline to submit papers is 15 May 2022
![]() For our New Zealand members, you can purchase discounted movie tickets for Event and Rialto Cinemas. Click here for further details.
Platinum Gold ![]() ![]()
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