Publications: Accounting & Finance

Accounting & Finance Listed in Thomson Scientific's Social Sciences Citation Index, is edited by Professor Gary Monroe.

AFAANZ members have full online access to Accounting & Finance Journal by accessing the Journal online via the Wiley Online Library.  Access the journal through the dropdown menu on the AFAANZ website: Research>Journal (Member access), direct link

Keep up to date with the latest table of contents, emailed directly to your desktop, by registering for free E-Alerts at

The Accounting & Finance Apple app is also available on iTunes.  Access it by clicking here.

Ready to submit your article to Accounting & Finance?  Our new submission platform, Research Exchange, makes the process easy. We also have Free Format Submission.

Find out more HERE.



Closing Date for applications: 31 May 2025

The AFAANZ Board is inviting applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief of the association’s journal, Accounting & Finance. The appointment is for a three-year period, commencing on 1 January 2026. Applicants must be AFAANZ members and be able to demonstrate excellence in their own research, experience in journal editing, and the ability to foster and support diverse research in the journal.

Selection Process

The AFAANZ Board has formed a Selection Committee to recommend a suitable candidate to the Board. The Selection Committee comprises of:

  • President (Australia);
  • President (New Zealand);
  • Current Accounting and Finance Editor-in-Chief; and
  • Two past AFAANZ Presidents with extensive journal editing experience.

The AFAANZ Board has also asked the Selection Committee to consider the appointment of two Co-Editors-in-Chief if suitable candidates are identified and agreeable. The successful candidate/s will collaborate with the current Editor-in-Chief following the announcement of the appointment to ensure a smooth transition and assume full responsibility as Editor-in-Chief on 1 January 2026.

Key Selection Criteria

The Selection Committee will consider the following qualities and criteria:

  1. A strong personal research record demonstrating excellence;
  2. Previous journal editing experience;
  3. Proven ability to foster and support diverse research, including the promotion of research in accounting and finance across a diverse range of research methods;
  4. Capacity to manage a demanding workload and meet deadlines;
  5. Capacity to manage a diverse editorial team in an effective and efficient manner; and
  6. Demonstrated support from the applicant’s university.

The duties of the Editor-in-Chief or Co-Editor-in-Chief include the following:

  • Promoting the journal as an outlet for a broad range of accounting and finance research topics and methods;
  • Working with and reporting to the AFAANZ Journal Oversight Committee in all journal-related matters;
  • Reporting to the AFAANZ Board, including attending AFAANZ Board meetings when required;
  • Efficient management of the journal’s review process;
  • Timely delivery of journal content to Wiley Publishers;
  • Appointing deputy editors to manage and provide advice on papers in specific sub-discipline areas;
  • Selecting and engaging editorial board members;
  • Active solicitating submissions at domestic and international forums;
  • Promoting the journal domestically and internationally;
  • Developing strategies to enhance the profile and standing of the journal;
  • Consulting with the AFAANZ Journal Oversight Committee and Board throughout the year; and
  • Preparing and presenting an annual editor’s report to the AFAANZ Board.

The initial term of appointment is three years, with the possibility of renewal for one, two, or three additional years at the discretion of the AFAANZ Board. This appointment attracts an honorarium payable annually.

Application Process

Interested applicants should email their application in confidence to by 31 May 2025. Applications must include:

  • A letter or statement (maximum four pages) addressing each of the six selection criteria;
  • A one-page statement outlining the applicant’s strategies to raise the domestic and international profile of the journal; and
  • A comprehensive curriculum vitae.

Any questions?

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Marvin Wee or Nives Botica-Redmayne in confidence to discuss or clarify any aspects of the role or the application process.

The Selection Committee will review all applications and reserves the right to invite individuals to apply.

Marvin Wee, President (Australia)

Nives Botica-Redmayne, President (New Zealand)

Call for Papers

A Special Issue on Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance seeks to create long-term value by tackling global issues such as climate change, pollution, depletion of natural resources, and social inequality, to name a few. The efficiency of capital markets plays a crucial role in facilitating sustainable finance. By efficiently directing capital towards sustainability goals, capital markets can promote sustainability in business operations, investment, and corporate governance. Sustainability-oriented investors can also exert pressure on companies, demanding that corporate managers focus more on sustainability goals, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders.

Given its significance, it is not surprising that sustainable finance has become an important topic. Yet, research in this area remains relatively nascent, leaving both academics and practitioners eager to gain a deeper understanding of these issues at both regional and global scales. In this context, Accounting and Finance is launching a Special Issue on Sustainable Finance.

We welcome all aspects of research in sustainable finance, including theoretical and empirical studies. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, corporate finance, asset pricing and derivatives, behavioural finance, and financial markets. 

All Call for Paper details can be found HERE

Important Dates:

28 Feb 2025: Deadline for Initial Submissions (We encourage and welcome early submissions and will evaluate the suitability of each paper as soon as we receive them.)

Ordering a print copy of the A&F Journal

Accounting & Finance has been enrolled in Member Direct Print on Demand (MD POD), which allows your members to purchase print subscriptions of the journal’s whole 2025 volume at a substantially reduced rate. Single issues of the journal can also be purchased through Sheridan but only at the regular e-only rate; the discount rate does not apply to single issues.With the journal’s move to online only publication in 2023, the MD-POD program gives AFAANZ members who still wish to receive hard copies the ability to order a printed volume subscription at a heavily discounted rate.

 Journal Name

Accounting & Finance

 2025 Discount Rate

80% off the full 2025 POD price

 2025 Discount Code



Please note that the discount code changes annually.


The 2025 discount code is valid only for whole volume subscriptions (2025 volume) through 31 December 2025. The discount does not apply to single issues.

 How to order

 There are two ways to order:

 Option 1: Purchase directly from Sheridan POD webstore

Anyone can use the Sheridan POD webstore to easily order and purchase individual subscriptions using a credit card. Society members can apply the Member Direct POD discount code upon check out to get the discounted rate.

For instructions on ordering through the Sheridan POD webstore, see the attached document “Member Direct POD - Ordering Instructions.pdf”.

Option 2: Individual or bulk subscription orders via the Bulk Order template

 Instructions for ordering:

  1. Provide a list of all subscribers’ details using the Bulk Order template (see the Excel spreadsheet attached “Member Direct POD – Bulk Order Template”).
  1. Send the completed Bulk Order Template form to, mentioning the payment details you’d like to use (see the “Wiley POD Payment Options.pdf” attached), the billing address, and the 2025 discount code).
  1. Sheridan will respond to you with an invoice and payment instructions. Once payment is received, the subscriptions will be entered into Sheridan’s system and the members will receive the issues as they become available throughout the year. All subscriptions run January-December.

A&F Journal Specialisations and Editors

Please click HERE to see the list of Accounting & Finance editors.

The Board is striving to have representation of all the different research interests of our members among the editors, in order to make the journal representative of the broad range of interests in the AFAANZ community. These editors can also handle a broad range of research methodologies, as indicated.

We would like to encourage our members to submit papers on all aspects of accounting and finance research. In particular, please consider submitting papers that has been accepted for, or presented at, our conferences in all the various streams and topics we include in our conference program. Please contact if there are research interests and/or methods not represented by our editors.

If you are not an AFAANZ member, but would like to submit a paper, you can pay the submission fee HERE. The submission fee gives you member access for the current calendar year.

Peter Brownell Manuscript Award is awarded to the best accounting article published in the A&F Journal. In 2022, the best finance paper manuscript award was introduced for the best finance paper, and in 2023, the AFAANZ Board renamed this award to the Robert Faff Manuscript Award.  

Congratulations to Leye Li, Louise Yi Lu, Yi Wang and Yangxin Yu for their paper "Workforce diversity and financial statement readability" for winning the 2023 Peter Brownell Manuscript Award; and to Andre Poyser and Dan Daugaard for their paper "Indigenous sustainable finance as a research field: A systematic literature review on indigenising ESG, sustainability and indigenous community practices" for winning the 2023 Robert Faff Manuscript Award.

Click HERE to see the recipients of the awards since 1986.