The AFAANZ mission is to support, promote and nurture high quality research, education and engagement in Accounting and Finance that benefits society.
Engagement and Influence
- AFAANZ is the premier body representing the interests of accounting and finance academics and other persons interested in accounting and finance education and research in Australia and New Zealand
- Over 950 members comprising academic accounting and finance staff in the Asia-Pacific region and employees from various organisations and professional bodies
- Internationally respected with a global network and links to other respected accounting and finance associations
The Goals of AFAANZ are:
- To promote the study of accounting and finance disciplines to members and non-members
- To disseminate academic accounting and finance research related information of interest and/or importance to the profession and public at large
- To provide education programs such as the doctoral symposium to members and non-members
- To promote to the public, whether by way of publication or otherwise, information on accounting and finance and related disciplines and other subjects of interest or value to accountants, finance and related disciplines by lectures, discussions, books, journals and correspondence and other publications with the public and other bodies and individuals or otherwise.
- To encourage the study of accounting, finance and related disciplines within the general public, and, for that purpose to donate and to encourage the donation, on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be determined or prescribed, of a prize or prizes or other rewards or distinctions.
The Association's primary publications are the journals Accounting and Finance and Accounting History. The object of the journals are to promote the wide dissemination of the results of research and other scholarly enquiries. Both journals are available free to members of AFAANZ, otherwise by subscription. A newsletter is also produced monthly to further enhance communication with members and non-members.
AFAANZ Constitution
The Constitution of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand can be downloaded HERE