AFAANZ Research Grants

The AFAANZ Research Fund (ARF) Annual Grants Program is designed to encourage and support members by providing funding for research projects. The 2025 round will focus on quality projects that address or respond to contemporary and future challenges to, and/or have implications for, accounting and finance practice, policy and/or the professions. Grants are competitive, and are primarily intended to support small-scale projects of up to one year’s duration or to assist in seed funding for larger scale projects.  The pool of funds comes directly from fees paid by institutional members. As such, access to the ARF is limited to AFAANZ individual members based at a member institution.

To view categories, eligibility and application process please see HERE.  To download the Dean or Head supporting letter template to upload with your application, click HERE.

If you are not an AFAANZ Individual Member, you can pay the $150 submission fee HERE

Application Closing Date: 15 April 2024

Access the grant application system at

Note that you will receive an email of confirmation from on successful submission.

The process by which the AFAANZ Research Grants are determined is designed to be fair and open to a variety of research methods, topics, and backgrounds. A committee of at least 5 members are formed for each round; of which it is designed to be diverse in regards to (i) gender; (ii) research methodology; (iii) institutional affiliation; and (iv) cultural background. Both qualitative and quantitative specialists are on the committee. It is the intention to not have more than one member per institution, and non-Go8 universities have input.

In regards to the process, each member of the committee independently assesses each proposal. The exceptions to this are when there are either co-authors or institutional colleagues on a grant application, in which case the committee member will abstain from assessment. Once all individual assessments are completed, the individual assessments are averaged to provide a ranking of grant applications.

It is an AFAANZ policy that in the first round of research grants each calendar year that each institutional member that submits a proposal receives at least one research grant. Where demand is high, this may mean that grants are only awarded to the institutional member allocation. Note, some institutions have elected to have more than one institutional membership, often spread across different accounting and finance schools.

In any subsequent rounds, or where there are available funds, the allocation of grants is determined by the average rankings across the committee members. Finally, it should also be noted that proposals that are not funded are not necessarily deemed to be ‘not worthy’. Indeed, over time the quality of grant applications have improved to the extent that many projects that are highly rated by the committee are not able to be funded. AFAANZ has continually increased the amount of funding provided to research grants, with $400,000 having been allocated in 2020 – over 77% higher than the previous highest amount in 2019.  In round 2, AFAANZ have allocated over $164,000 towards the  successful recipients in the table below.

View previous recipients:

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients:

Grant Recipient



Ajantha Velayutham & Dr Asheq Rahman

Auckland University of Technology

The Supply Chain Structural Effects of Supply Chain Disclosure

Dr Adam Gholami Arian & Associate Professor Syed Shams

Australian Catholic University (ACU)

Do social ties between CEOs and Big-4 Auditors Affect Corporate Tax Avoidance? Australian Evidence 

Dr Madhukar Singh

Australian National University (ANU)

The purchases of non-audit services from Australian auditors and audit quality

Dr Yue Cai & Professor Mark Wilson

Australian National University (ANU)

CEO employment opportunities and the path to innovation

Dr Robert Wrathall 

Bond University

Evidence of the jockey hot hand in Thoroughbred Wagering

Assistant Professor Clare Burns & Assistant Professor Kim Kercher

Bond University

Australian voluntary tax disclosure: decision-useful information or tax-washing  

Dr Milind Tiwari & Dr Jamie Ferrill

Charles Sturt University

Metaverse: Navigating cryptocurrency-related financial crimes via a new digital realm

Dr Tasadduq Imam, Associate Professor Asit Bhattacharyya, Dr Prikshat Verma & Dr Angelique MacInnes


Generative AI adoption by Australian accountants and financial advisers: Opportunities and barriers

Dr Chen Zheng

Curtin University

Leveraging Blended Learning to Promote Student Equity in Accounting and Finance Education

Dr Cecilia Hu

Deakin University

Strategic Step Acquisitions: An Accounting Perspective

Dr Paul Sakchuenyos & Professor Roger Simnett

Deakin University

ESG Performance Management through Real Activities Manipulation

Dr Thach Pham & Associate Professor Simone Scagnelli

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Obfuscation of climate risk disclosures: Does organisational capital matter?

Dr Harun Harun

James Cook University

A study on developing an integrated reporting model of forest sustainability in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region

Dr Seema Miglani, Dr Farzaneh Jalali, Dr Victoria Obeng & Assistant Professor Muhammad Bilal Farooq

La Trobe University

Examining Preparers' Perspectives on Digital Technology Adoption in Sustainability Reporting 

Dr Yuqian Zhang

Lincoln University

The effectiveness of materiality judgements and the relevance of materiality disclosure in NZX-listed companies

Dr Meiting Lu, Dr Ling Qin & Ms Yanglan Zu

Macquarie University

Sand or Grease? The Role of Political Corruption in Shaping AI Innovation

Dr Jessica Zhang & Dr Soon-Yeow Phang

Macquarie University

Voicing concerns in group audits: the impact of lead auditor involvement and psychological safety of component auditors

Dr Nirmala Nath & Dr Yuanyuan Hu

Massey University

Integration and Diffusion of Lean with Sustainability Practices by Local Governments: New Zealand Case. 

Dr Jin Zhang, Associate Professor Laura Luo & Dr Alex Zhang

Monash University

Corporate Culture and Climate Change Disclosure Informativeness

Associate Professor Gladys Lee & Dr Xinning Xiao

Monash University

Machine Learning Forecasts and Investment Decisions

Dr Terri Trireksani, Dr Augustine Donkor & Dr Sidharth Murthy

Murdoch University

Climate change engagement in the higher education sector

Dr Sohanur Rahman & Professor Ellie Chapple

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Does Knowledge Spillover Matter for Green Innovation? Evidence from Sustainability Committee Connectedness and Green Patents

Dr Duc Phan, Dr Michael Kend, Dr Mahesh Joshi & Dr Nhung Nguyen

RMIT University

Cyber security risks, accounting, and auditing practices relevant to high-risk industries: Perspectives from accountants and auditors

Dr Shannon Sidaway, Dr Sonia Magdziarz & Dr Peta Stevenson-Clarke

RMIT University

Navigating tensions between authentic assessment and academic integrity in the era of generative AI: Experiences of accounting academics

Dr Dina Lahanis

Swinburne University of Technology

Towards Net Zero: Australia's Local Governments Actions and Disclosures

Dr Aeson Luiz Dela Cruz & Associate Professor Maria Dyball

University of Adelaide

Auditing from a distance: Implications on professional scepticism 

Dr Jin Ma

University of Adelaide

The Effect of AI on Audit Practice

Dr Gertjan Verdickt

University of Auckland

Disentangling Climate Change Uncertainty: Evidence from the Wine Market

Dr Abu Mollik, Dr Md Khokan Bepari, Dr Angela Tan-Kantor & Dr Yaser Paracha

University of Canberra

Modern slavery statement: another simulacra of the society of spectacles? 

Dr Ellie Norris, Dr Peni Fukofuka & Dr Julia Wu

University of Canterbury

The business of death: social, cultural, and financial cultural accountability at an outback funeral service 

Associate Professor Hae Won (Henny) Jung & Dr Eduard Inozemtsev

University of Melbourne

Institutional Ownership of Corporate Debt: Assessing Fragility in the Lending Market and Its Impact on Corporate Borrowing

Dr Yee Shih Phua & Associate Professor Linda Chang

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

The Effect of Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Different Types of Relative Performance Information on Employees’ Performance

Associate Professor Lili Dai & Dr Zihang Peng

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Environmental Monitoring Effects through Lending Networks

Dr Minzhi Wu & Assistant Professor Mardy Chiah

University of Newcastle

Voluntary non-GAAP disclosure and learning from external market participants 

Dr Van Le, Dr Anh Pham & Dr My Nguyen

University of Newcastle

Effect of Environmental Violations on the Property Market 

Dr Tom Stannard & Associate Professor Martien Lubberink
 Professor Paul Griffin

University of Otago

How does extreme weather impact financial performance in New Zealand?

Dr Muhammad Ahmad Cheema & Ms Jing Zhang

University of Otago New Zealand

Exploring the Role of GPT in Accounting Student Success: An Investigation into Procrastination

Associate Professor Kelvin Tan

University of Queensland (UQ)

 The Impact of Recognising Operating Leases on Corporate Financing Decisions: Evidence from ASC 842

Dr Amanpreet Kaur & Associate Professor Umesh Sharma

University of South Australia (UNISA)

Accounting for Public Values: Use of wellbeing budgeting and reporting approach in Australia and New Zealand

Lyn Daff & Cathy Tame

University of Southern Queensland

Graduate accountants’ insights into reflective practice in the workplace

Ms Darya Boukata & Dr Betina Szkudlarek

University Of Sydney

Balancing Act: exploring paradoxes facing institutional investors in response to biodiversity loss and their implications for nature-positive decision-making.

Dr Haekwon Lee & Dr DuckKi Cho

University of Sydney

Limited Access to Labor Markets and Incentives to Form R&D Alliances

Associate Professor Helen Spiropoulos & Dr Rebecca Bachmann

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

Modern Slavery: Consequences of non-compliance?

Dr Rina Dhillon & Dr Mona Rajabi

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

Internal carbon pricing: A stepping stone to net-zero or merely a diversion?

Mr Selvin Prasad & Professor Divesh Sharma

University of the South Pacific

Bane or boon? Consulting services and auditors' proclivity to identify significant risks during the audit

Dr Zhuoan Feng & Dr Meiting Lu

University of Waikato

Beyond Legislative Reforms: The Role of Digital Justice Systems on Corporate Borrowing

Dr Yihui Lan & Dr Rui Zhong

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Corporate Culture and Firm-Level Biodiversity Risk Exposure

 Tairan (Kevin) Huang, Dr Jin Zhang & Dr Xuan Sun

University of Wollongong

Accounting for Digital Assets and Firm Valuation

Dr Amir Hossain & Dr Sudipta Bose

Western Sydney University

Causes and Consequences of Supply Chain Disclosure Transparency: Evidence from Global Fashion Industry

2023-2024 AFAANZ Research Grant recipients:

Grant Recipient



Dr Sureshchandra Ramachandra & Dr John Kommunuri

Auckland University of Technology

From New Public Management (NPM) to New Public Governance (NPG) – an analysis of accounting disclosure challenges in the New Zealand health sector

Associate Professor Wendy James & Associate Professor Grainne Oates

Australian Catholic University

Enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes using gamified mobile technology

Associate Professor Wendy James

Australian Catholic University

Accounting education and the ethical implications of ChatGPT: A dual perspective

Dr Kathy Wang

Australian National University (ANU)

Media Consolidation, Local News and Corporate Tax Avoidance

Assistant Professor Mark Brosnan, Dr Daniel Chai & Dr Searat Ali

Bond University

Reproducibility in Finance Research: Views of the Finance Research Community

Associate Professor Simone Kelly & Ms Robyn McCormack

Bond University

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Characteristics of Australian Superannuation Fund Categories

Dr Shawgat Kutubi & Associate Professor Syed Shams

Charles Darwin University

CFO financial expertise, financial statement comparability, and COVID-19 pandemic: International evidence

Associate Professor Dianne McGrath, Dr Daniel Murphy, Mr Yianni Athanasopoulos,
Associate Professor Larissa Bamberry & Dr Nick Pawsey

Charles Sturt University

Changing accountability and reporting of Workplace Health and Safety in a pandemic

Dr Yixuan Rui

Curtin University

Dividend Policy and Distress Anomaly

Associate Professor Xiaoyang Li

Deakin University

Venture Capital, Government Initiatives, and Entrepreneurship

Associate Professor Edward Podolski & Associate Professor Sagarika Mishra

Deakin University

The Power of Member Value: A Deep Dive into Australian Member Organizations' Governance Strategies

Dr Deepa Bannigidadmath, Dr Rashid Zaman, Associate Professor Simone Scagnelli & Dr Soheil Kazemian

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Operational risk incidents and stock price crash risk: An international evidence

Dr Luiz Distadio & Associate Professor Luminita Enache

Griffith University

Social factors, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and capital markets: an international study

Dr Skye Zhu

James Cook University (JCU)

How does the ‘stand-back’ requirement improve audit risk assessment? The use of root cause analysis

Dr Esin Ozdil, Mr Steven Burch & Dr Amrinder Khosa

La Trobe University

Assessing the efficacy of work-integrated learning in accounting programs

Associate Professor Clara Qing Zhou

Macquarie University

Green Reckoning in the ESG Landscape:
Unveiling Reputational Penalties of Environmental Violations

Mr Nafiz Ul Fahad

Massey University

Firm’s social media monitoring and strategic earnings management

Dr Sandip Dhole & Associate Professor Daniel Neely

Monash University

The Negative Externalities of Economic Policy Uncertainty: An analysis of the Impact on Non-Profit Organisations

Dr Md Moazzem Hossain & Dr Aklema Lema

Murdoch University

Water Governance Disclosures in the Australian Mining Industry- A legitimacy Theory Perspective

Dr Bronwyn McCredie, Dr Lorena Mitrione & Dr Lyndie Bayne

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

What are the teamwork and collaborative skills required in PCA 02?  A practitioner perspective

Dr Radhika Lahiri

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

The Impact of Financial Literacy Training on Clients of Microfinance

Dr Jackie Bettington

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

How does director financial capability, motivation and boardroom dynamics influence financial monitoring? A field study from Australia

Dr Xiaolu Hu

RMIT University

Regulatory Punishment in Oligopolistic Market: Evidence from Credit Rating Agencies

Dr Ivan Indriawan, Dr Adrian Fernandez-Perez & Associate Professor Alexandre Garel

University of Adelaide

Does the Stock Market Price Water Scarcity Risk

Chelsea Liu

University of Adelaide

Corporate Disclosure of Non-Financial Misconduct

Dr Jerry Chen

University of Auckland

The Economic Consequences of Mandated Metric-Based ESG Reporting: Evidence from Hong Kong

Dr Marina Gertsberg

University of Melbourne

The Unintended Consequences of #MeToo on Research Collaborations in Finance and the Role of Sexual Harassment Prevention Tools

Dr Rodney John Brown & Associate Professor Youngdeok Lim

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

What can we learn about uncertain tax positions from IFRIC 23?

Dr Jialong Li

University of Newcastle

Inside Debt and Broad Framing of Risky Decisions: Evidence from Geographic Diversification in Serial Acquisition

Dr Yimei Man

University of Otago

Unpacking the Puzzle: How Personality Traits Shape Academic Success

Dr Peter Truc Do

University of Queensland (UQ)

Health of rank-and-file employees and corporate information production

Dr Xin Yu

University of Queensland (UQ)

Sustainable Investment in Public versus Private Firms

Dr Dewan Rahman

University of Queensland (UQ)

Cross-listing, the legal bonding hypothesis and insider trading

Associate Professor Nirosha Wellalage & Associate Professor Tony Cavoli

University of South Australia (UNISA)

Non-Binary individuals and household financial wellbeing in Australia

Ms Suzanne Maloney & Dr Romana Garma

University of Southern Queensland

Imagination, Creativity, and Innovation in Business Education Worthy of a Teaching Award

Shan Zhou, Dr Nurul Alam & Dr Ruizhe Wang

University of Sydney

Predicting Corporate Financial Distress from the UK’s Viability Statement

Dr Angelo Aspris

University of Sydney

Decentralized Lending, Collateral Constraints, and Prices

Associate Professor Demetris Christodoulou

University of Sydney

Longitudinal Study of Insured Lives

Dr Mai Nguyen

University of Tasmania

Perceptions of institutional investors of the quality of climate-related disclosures: Evidence from the comment letters submitted to ISSB Exposure Draft 2

Dr Kristoffer Glover & Associate Professor Vitali Alexeev

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

The Power of Public Opinion: Quantifying the Market’s Reaction to Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility

Dr Samir Ghannam & Dr Jin Sug Yang

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

CEO Succession Planning and Career Concerns

Dr Wen Hua Sharpe

University of the Sunshine Coast

Corporate workplace culture and business sustainability: Evidence from Australian mining firms and their supply chain contracting

Associate Professor Leon Li

University of Waikato

Volatility instruments' correlations to underlying assets and hedging effectiveness: Volatility risk and volatility-of-volatility risk

Dr Nikki Schonfeldt, Professor Phil Hancock & Professor Jacqueline Birt

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Consolidating student understanding using a gamified mobile application (GMA)

Dr Jonathan Karlsen

University of Western Australia (UWA)

To be, or not to be: Breaking up cryptocurrency exchange monopolies

Associate Professor Xiaofei Pan

University of Wollongong

Climate change, executive mobility and firm performance

Dr Olayinka Moses, Dr Ainul Islam & Dr Emmanuel Michael

Victoria University of Wellington

Assessing the Readiness of Professional Accountants in Developing Countries for IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Sustainability Reporting

Associate Professor Anil Mishra & Dr Siddharth Jain

Western Sydney University

Managerial Efficacy in Assessing Climate Risk in Loan Portfolios: An Analysis of OECD Countries

2022-2023 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients:

Grant Recipient



Dr Cherrie Yang

Auckland University of Technology

Assuring service performance information of small charities: An exploratory investigation

Dr Sorin Daniliuc
Associate Professor Marvin Wee

Australian National University (ANU)

A new approach to study the determinants of overpayment in M&A deals

Mr Nicolo Agliata

Bond University

Big Data Analytics in SMEs and Firm Performance

Juncheng Hu
Professor Keith Duncan

Bond University

Gender difference and green innovation

Dr Kishore Singh
Dr Amlan Haque
Dr Kazi Islam

Central Queensland University

Integrating blockchain in Australian accounting firms in the era of SDG 9: Are they ready?

Ms Ellie Norris

Charles Darwin University

Does annual reporting by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entities in Australia meet stakeholder expectations of accountability?

Dr Ying Han Fan
Dr Hongjian Yu
Ms Xinrui Lin
Dr Ruchuan Jiang

Curtin University

The Whistleblowing Intentions of Accountants and Internal Auditors, and Organisational Rationalisations for Tax Evasion

Dr Emma Li

Deakin University

Equity Crowdfunding in Capital Formation: An Empirical Investigation 

Dr Wei Shi
Dr Abdifatah Haji

Deakin University

CSR Contracting and Earnings Informativeness

Dr Wei Hu

Deakin University

Contractibility of accounting numbers: New evidence from earnings-based performance measures in earnout contracts

Dr Tricia Ong
Dr June Cao

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Work-integrated learning for accounting students in Australian SMEs: Opportunities and Barriers

Dr Fang Hu
Dr Troy Yao
Associate Professor Jodie Moll

Griffith University

Reporting on culture in a transition to hybrid working environment

Dr Rui Ma
Dr Van Vu

La Trobe University

Ties that bind: The effect of customer concentration on stock return volatility

Associate Professor Muhammad Jahangir Ali
Dr Sudipta Bose

Latrobe University

Customer Satisfaction and the Loan Contracting: Cross-Country Evidence

Dr Linh Tu Ho

Lincoln University

Artificial Intelligence, Risk, and Return: An Analysis of AI-adopted Listed Firms

Dr Meiting Lu

Macquarie University

Peer Effects on Corporate Environmental Protection

Dr Dale Tweedie
Associate Professor Sophia Su
Dr Jinhua (Jessica) Chen

Macquarie University

Accountability through Budgeting: The Case of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Dr Yuanyuan Hu
Dr Jiali Fang
Dr Jing Jia

Massey University

To Repay a Peach for a Plum – Gratitude and Corporate Social Responsibility in China

Dr Jongwon Park
Dr Sunyoung Kim
Dr Byungki Kim

Monash University

M&A contracting in executive compensation contracts

Dr Dharmendra Naidu
Dr Janto Haman
Dr Wei Lu

Monash University

Do managers provide adequate goodwill impairment disclosures based on their impairment choice? Evidence from Australia during COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Xin (Tracy) Qu
Dr Daifei (Troy) Yao

Queensland University of Technology

Does greater complexity lead to better outcomes? Evidence from Australian CEO compensation contracts

Dr Sean Yanhui Wu

Queensland University of Technology

Health and trading profitability: The case of mutual fund managers

Dr My Nguyen
Dr Anh Viet Pham

RMIT University

The Enactment of Cybercrime Law and Banking System Stability Around The World

Dr Larry Li

RMIT University

Climate Change, Stranded Assets and Business Operational Strategies of Energy Firms in the United States

Dr Roshanthi Dias
Dr Amir Moradi

Swinburne University of Technology

Incorporating ESG, risk, and return preferences in portfolio construction – A non-radial directional distance function approach

Dr Yunyan Zhang
Dr Wei Li
Associate Professor Janice Loftus

University of Adelaide

Jobkeeper repayment, corporate governance, and firm value

Associate Professor Antonio Gargano
Assistant Professor Marco Giacoletti

University of Melbourne

Reaching for Housing Income

Dr Hien Hoang

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Investors Reactions to the Climate Change Disclosures under TCFD: The Joint Effects of Risks Disclosure Focus, Managerial Optimism and Controllability

Sander De Groote
Assistant Professor Dieter Smeulders

University of New South Wales

What about the directors? Does being different influence a director opportunities in the board?

Dr Vien Chu
Mr Christian O'Connor

University of Newcastle

Understanding Australian income tax non-compliance in micro and small enterprises owned by people with disadvantages

Dr Sudipta Bose
Mr Amitav Saha

University of Newcastle

Determinants and Consequences of Employer Satisfaction with Graduates Employability Skills: Evidence from QILT Survey

Dr Hoa Luong

University of Otago

Evaluation of Blockchain, RPA, AI, ML and XBRL (“BRAMX”) for the Accounting Profession from a Corporate Reporting and Sustainability Standpoint

Dr Matthew Peters

University of Queensland

Ambidexterity in Management Accounting Function Roles for Achieving Stretch Profit Goals

Dr Kathy Rao
Dr Katherine Christ

University of South Australia

Gender-related disclosure in modern slavery statements in Australia

Dr Anna Young-Ferris
Dr Arunima Malik

University of Sydney

Making the claim for Scope 4 emissions: How companies report on avoided emissions and how investors use this information

Dr Juan Yao

University of Sydney

Illusion or Skill? - A study of individual-controlled mutual funds in China

Dr Amrinder Khosa

University of Tasmania

Accounting curricula, climate crisis and carbon net-zero transition

Dr Amanda White

University of Technology, Sydney

Reimagining online assessment in accounting: Learning from other professionally accredited disciplines 

Dr Zhuoan Feng
Dr Meiting Lu

University of Waikato

Non-GAAP disclosure and firm innovation

Dr Yihui Lan
Dr Junru Zhang

University of Western Australia

Signalling sustainability in reward-based crowdfunding

Dr Erin Twyford

University of Wollongong

Challenges to accountability in aged care

Associate Professor Thu Phuong Truong

Victoria University of Wellington

Can top-line beat bottom-line in informing investment strategies?

AFAANZ 2021/22 Round 2 Research Grant Recipients

Grant Recipient



Dr Toby Abdul Razeed
Dr Craig Mellare

University of Sydney

An investigation into factors influencing grade inflation at a higher education institution

Dr Chen Zheng
Associate Professor George Shan

Curtin University

Sustainability engagement and stock price crash risk: Theoretical effect during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Qinghao Mao

Deakin University

Risk-taking by Australian target-date funds

Associate Professor Hadrian G. Djajadikerta
Dr Agus F. Maradona

Edith Cowan University (ECU)

Auditors’ perceptions of auditing role in detecting and deterring corporate corruption

Dr Bin Li
Dr Jenny Wang

Griffith University

The Predictive Roles of Systematic and Idiosyncratic Skewness in International Stock Markets

Dr Md Safiullah
Associate Professor Mariano Heyden

La Trobe University

Women on boards, carbon assurance and assuror choice

Dr Le Le Luo

Macquarie University

Climate risk and audit fees: international evidence

Dr Mabel D Costa
Dr Solomon Opare

Massey University

Impact of toxic chemical release on seasoned equity offerings (SEO)

Dr Mehdi Khedmati
Dr Ali Sheikhbahaei

Monash University

The impact of educated population: Evidence from loan contracts around the world

 Jin Zhang

Monash University

Analyst Recommendation Management

Dr Vuong Thao Tran
Dr Anh Le
Dr Dinh Phan

RMIT University

Polluters and access to informal finance – Is it important to go green?

Assistant Professor Xiaolu Hu

RMIT University

Like duck into the water: Do Credit Rating Analysts Outperform in Bond Fund Management?

Dr Lina Xu

RMIT University

Exploring the impact of remote auditing on audit quality: An exploratory analysis of China

Dr Reza Tajaddini

Swinburne University of Technology

Green Stock Efficiency and Mispricing

Dr John Charles Webster

Swinburne University of Technology

How do non-US audit firms react to being audited by a foreign regulator?
A Textual Analysis of Response Letters contained in PCAOB Inspection Reports

Dr Jerry Chen

University of Auckland

The impact of IFRS 15 on financial reporting quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment from China

Dr Qingbo Yuan

University of Melbourne

Labor Unemployment Concern and CEO Risk-Taking Incentives

Dr Victoria Clout
Associate Professor Jo-Ann Suchard

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Funding innovation - The role of R&D grants in Australian start-up firm success

Associate Professor Jo-Ann Suchard
Associate Professor Mark Humphery-Jenner

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Machine Learning, CEO personality traits and compensation structure

Dr Sarowar Hossain

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Effects of audit delays due to COVID-19 on audit fees and audit quality

Dr Sammy Ying
Dr Karen Handley
Ms Jakie Yong

University of Newcastle

Psychological wellbeing of accounting professionals: The role of job demands and resources in the post-pandemic workplace

Dr Peter Truc Do

University of Queensland (UQ)

Do firms overpromise on their CSR commitments in IPO?

Dr Dewan Rahman
Associate Professor Kelvin Tan

University of Queensland (UQ)

Climate regulatory risk and eco-friendly innovation

Mr Amir Gholami

University of Southern Queensland

Corporate sustainability and risk resilience during COVID-19 pandemic: International evidence

Dr Prabashi Dharmasiri

University of Tasmania

Auditors’ reliance on data analytics tools: The effects of client-level factors and audit firm instruction message

Umesh Prasad Sharma
Dr Denise Frost

University of Waikato

Social capital and budgeting in a local church

Dr Stijn Masschelein
Mr Frank Yuelong Ma
Professor Vincent Chong

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Behavioral control and incentive contract on employee’s learning

Dr Chloe Choy Yeing Ho

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Subtier supply network structure on climate risk

Dr Mona Nikidehaghani
Dr Freda Hui-Truscott

University of Wollongong

Improving financial transparency of international NGOs: A case study in Cambodia

AFAANZ 2021/22 Round 1 Research Grant Recipients

Grant Recipient



Dr Muhammad Bilal Farooq
Dr Farzaneh Jalali Aliabadi
Dr Seema Miglani
Dr Victoria Obeng

Auckland University of Technology

Examining the role of the IIRC training programmes in shaping the institutionalisation of corporate integrated reporting

Dr Eunice Khoo

Australian National University (ANU)

The Effect of CEOs' Past Professional Experience on Risk Factor Disclosures in 10-K Filings

A/P Adrian Gepp
A/P Christopher Bilson

Bond University

Canary in the Cryptocurrency: Identifying abnormalities associated with a higher risk of fraud

Mr Mark Brosnan

Bond University

Measuring Financial Reporting Literacy

Dr Erick Outa
Dr Shawgat Kutubi
Dr Mukesh Garg

Charles Darwin University

The Impact of IFRS  Adoptions and Business Cycles on Loan Loss Provisions: Evidence from Australia

Dr Abhijeet Singh
Dr Ashna Prasad
Dr Rina Datt

Curtin University

The Enhanced Auditor’s Report and Financial Reporting Quality

Dr Tze Chuan Ang

Deakin University

Short selling risk around the world

A/P Simone Domenico Scagnelli
Dr Nader Atawnah
Dr Deepa Bannigidadmath
Dr Rashid Zaman

Edith Cowan University

Board reforms and corporate innovation: An international evidence

Dr Luiz Fernando Distadio

Griffith University

The value of assurance in the debt market: the case of green bonds

Dr Meredith Tharapos
Dr Esin Ozdil

La Trobe University

The impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on accounting students in Australia

A/P Sean Foley

Macquarie University

Trading Tokenized Assets: Modern Exchange Market Infrastructure

Dr Mia Hang Pham

Massey University

Disaster Resilience: An Analysis of Work-from-home Preparedness around the World

Dr Yi-Hung Lin
Dr Ting-Chiao Huang
Dr Soon-Yeow Phang

Monash University

How do social ties between auditors and audit committees affect the disclosure quality of critical audit matters? Archival and experimental evidence

Dr Lubna Rahman

Monash University

Litigation Risk and Managerial Contracting: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws

Dr Terri Trireksani

Murdoch University

Leadership and workplace spiritualities, and attitudes towards sustainability practice and reporting at Australian state-owned enterprises

Ms Ama Samarasinghe

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Bank Risk-Taking, Diversification and Monetary Policy Transmission

Dr Gaoping Zheng

RMIT University

Online Communication and Stock Market Liquidity: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Dr Elizabeth Morton
A/P Gillian Vesty
Dr Lan Nguyen

RMIT University

Enhancing blockchain literacy across the public accounting and taxation advisory services industry. 

Dr Richard Busulwa

Swinburne University of Technology

Lost in translation? The gap between required and actual technology competencies of accountants

Chelsea Liu

University of Adelaide

Impacts of Environmental Irresponsibility: Corporate Responses and Industry Spillovers

Dr Lina Li
Dr Leonard Li
Dr Ryan Peng

University of Auckland

Critical Audit Matters and Debt Contract Design

A/P Dulani Jayasuriya

University of Auckland

Auditor specialization impact on U.S. bank capital

A/P Zhuo Zhong

University of Melbourne

Short selling ETFs in fragmented markets

Dr Gladys Lee
Dr Xinning Xiao

University of Melbourne

Investigators' incentives and their investigation of whistleblowing reports

Dr Yitang (Jenny) Yang
Dr Ulrike Thuerheimer

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

The demand and consequences of assurance of mandatory extended external reporting

Dr Zhongtian Li

University of Newcastle

Mandatory Sustainability Disclosure and Labour Investment Efficiency: International Evidence

Dr Olena Onishchenko
A/P Jing Zhao

University of Otago

Equity lending and stock resiliency surrounding market crashes

Dr Yongxian Tan

University of Otago

How does individualism affect mutual fund managers' behaviours?

A/P Kathleen Herbohn
Dr Saphira Rekker
Dr Russell Richards

University of Queensland (UQ)

The Role of Leading Indicators in the Transition to Net-Zero Emissions in Climate Sensitive Sectors

Dr Basil Tucker
Ms Elaine Nash

University of South Australia (UNISA)

Disability NOT Inability: The management control implications of workers living with intellectual disability

Dr Syed Shams

University of Southern Queensland

CFO financial expertise, financial constraints and COVID-19 pandemic: An international evidence

Dr Shan Zhou
A/P Jianfeng Shen

University of Sydney

Corporate ESG disclosure quality and the Informativeness of ESG ratings

Dr Danika Wright

University of Sydney

Valuing human capital: Evidence from all-cash companies

Dr Terese Fiedler

University of Tasmania

Developing an Accountability Framework for Stakeholders in the Seasonal Work Area

Dr Mansi Mansi
Dr Rakesh Pandey

University of Tasmania

Integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in corporate reporting: Thoughts from accountants

Dr Vitali Alexeev
Dr Kris Glover

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

Beyond E, S, and G: Asset pricing implications of a novel ESG sentiment dataset

Dr Nirosha Wellalage
Dr Vijay Kumar

University of Waikato

Building wellbeing via financial empowerment: The case of Māori youth in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Prerana Agrawal
Dr Mark Holub
Dr Warrick Van Zyl

University of Western Australia (UWA)

Professional Scepticism Toolkit

A/P Corinne Cortese
Dr Claire Wright
Dr Abdullah Al-Mamun
Dr Searat Ali

University of Wollongong

The Whiteboard: Examining Diversity in Corporate Australia

Dr Searat Ali
A/P Jing Yu
A/P Marvin Wee

University of Wollongong

Comparability in Reporting on Extractive Activities and Climate Risks

AFAANZ 2020/21 Round 2 Research Grant Recipients

Grant Recipient



Dr Lili Dai
Dr Zihang Peng

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Risk Factor Disclosure and Debt Contracting

Dr Kerui Zhai

Deakin University

Do Ties Still Bind? Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and Stock Recommendations After Financial Restatements

Dr Minh Viet Do
Dr Hannah Nguyen
Dr Tram Vu

Monash University

Does Hedging Affect Loan Contract Design? Evidence from Weather Derivatives

Dr Ankit Jain

University of Queensland (UQ)

The Effect of Strategic Tone Management on Money Flows and Performance: Evidence from U.S. Mutual Fund Industry

Dr Helen Spiropoulos
Ms Rebecca Bachmann

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

CSR restatements; evidence of CEOs propping up compensation?

Dr Anna Stamatelatos

Monash University

The Influence of Cloud Computing Adoption on IT Cost Structure and IT Cost Management.

Dr Byungki Kim

University of Queensland (UQ)

Spillover Effect of Green Bond Issuance on Environmental Performance of Peer Firms: Evidence from Australia

Dr Minsoo Kim
Dr Oliver Randall

University of Melbourne

Liquidity Management with Derivative Holdings

Dr Le Ma

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

Permanent versus temporary cash flow shocks: implications for corporate financial policies

Dr Xin Qu
Dr Alexandra Williamson

Queensland University of Technology

Evidence-based recommendations for effective remuneration systems in Australia’s nonprofit sector

Dr Jenny Guan

Monash University

Shareholder Taxation and Managerial Myopia

Dr Marinela Finta

University of Otago

Retail investors’ activity and climate disasters

Associate Professor Indrit Troshani
Dr Nick Rowbottom

University of Adelaide

Digital transformation of corporate information infrastructure for sustainability reporting

Dr Chuan Yu

University of Sydney

A Cross-country Examination on the Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contracting: Determinants and Outcomes

Dr My Nguyen
Associate Professor Huu Nhan Duong

RMIT University

Political Uncertainty and Banking System Stability: A Global Analysis

Dr Di Mo
Dr Caroline Chen

RMIT University

News or noise: Evidence from Australian markets

Dr Tejshree Kala

Australian National University (ANU)

Can Machine Learning Algorithms Improve Our Understanding of Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Earnings Guidance?

Dr Ganghua Wang
Associate Professor Maria Dyball

University of Sydney

The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018: An Exploratory Study on its Operationalisation

Dr Bobae Choi
Associate Professor Doowon Lee

University of Newcastle

Tax compliance behaviour of small business in the context of JobKeeper

Dr Lijuan Zhang

Australian National University (ANU)

Are analysts' cash flow forecasts really that bad?

Dr Cynthia Cai
Dr Wei Zeng

Macquarie University

A Game of Thorns: What Motivate Bitcoin Miners?

Mr Greg Cunningham
Ms Csilla Skultety
Ms Loretta Iskra

Western Sydney University

The effects of COVID-19 on the uptake of digital financial advice

Associate Professor Muhammad Jahangir Ali

Latrobe University

The association between conflict mineral disclosure and bank loan contract

Dr Kylie-Anne Richards

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

What are the motivations and the effects of divesting and optimization in portfolio decarbonisation?

AFAANZ 2020 Round 1 Research Grant Recipients

Grant RecipientUniversityProject
Dr Ekaterina Volkova & Dr Miriam Schwartz-ZivUniversity of MelbourneIs Blockholder Diversity Detrimental? (AFAANZ Grant Application)
Associate Professor Emawtee Bissooondoyal-Bheenick & Dr Angel ZhongRMIT UniversityAustralian Investor Sentiment Index and Institutional Demand Shocks
Associate Professor Leon LiUniversity of WaikatoBehavioral heterogeneity revisited: What factors drive investors as fundamentalists or chartists?
Xiaoyang LiDeakin UniversityDo market-wide circuit breakers calm markets or panic them? Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic
Dr June Cao, Professor Paul Coram & Assistant Professor Jingchang HuangCurtin UniversityMultidisciplinary Audit Partners and Audit Outcomes: Archival Empirical Evidence
Dr Zhe AnMonash UniversityLearning from Investing: Evidence from Foreign Institutional Investors from Emerging Countries
Dr Chitra  Sriyani De Silva & Loku WadugeVictoria UniversityESG  reporting: Are companies greenwashing or walking the talk?
Dr Meiting LuMacquarie UniversityThe Information Role of Key Audit Matters
Associate Professor Ralph Kober, Dr Maleen Gong & Dr Aldonio FerreiraMonash UniversityThe role of management control systems in balancing competing goals
​Lyn DaffUniversity of Southern QueenslandBeyond board diversity
Dr Scott Niblock, Dr Jennifer Harrison & Associate Professor Michael KorttSouthern Cross UniversityFinancial Advice Seeking in Times of Crisis: A Narrative Analysis
Dr Kun (Tracy) Wang
Dr Sonali Walpola
Australian National University (ANU)Corporate Tax Incentive Reforms and Innovation: International Evidence
​Dr Anna Loyeung, Assistant Professor Yaowen Shan & Dr Meiting LuUniversity of Technology, Sydney (UTS)Employment protection and non-GAAP disclosure
Associate Professor Bryan Howieson, Associate Professor Janice Loftus & Dr Sabine SchuhrerUniversity of AdelaideAre Accounting Standards Understandable?
Dr Junru Zhang, Ms Hanlu Fan, Ms Lu Zhang,  Associate Professor Georeg (Yuan) Shan & Professor Qingliang TangMurdoch UniversityRisk Disclosure Tone and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Carbon Disclosure Project
Dr Mardy Chiah & Associate Professor Philip GharghoriSwinburne University of TechnologyDecomposing anomaly returns internationally: Cash flow news or discount rate news?
Dr Vladimir VolkovUniversity of TasmaniaAssessing vulnerability in global banking networks
Dr Tairan (Kevin) Huang & Dr Xiaofei PanUniversity of WollongongPolicy uncertainty, migration and firm value in Australia 
Dr Di Yang, Dr Greg Richins & Professor Ken TrotmanUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW)The Effect of Prevalence Induced Concept Change on The Judgment of Audit Inspectors
Dr Erwei (David) Xiang, Associate Professor Yuan (Gloria) Tian & Dr Wenjuan (Wendy) RuanEdith Cowan University (ECU)Does corporate social responsibility pay off in times of crisis? Evidence from fundraising in Australia
Dr Esin Ozdil. Dr Meredith Tharapos, Dr Amrinder Khosa & Mr Steven BurchLa Trobe UniversityStock-take of Australia's Accounting Higher Education: An investigation of curriculum (re)development and the use of technology.
Dr Carol Cheong & Dr Sazali AbidinLincoln UniversityModeling the dynamic nexus among Board Characteristics, Capital Structure, and Firm Performance
Dr Walid Bakry, Assistant Professor Partha Gangopadhyay & Mr Siddharth JainWestern Sydney UniversityDo Bank Executives Bank on Accounting Information for Acquiring Information Technology (IT) Assets?  A Behavioural Accounting Approach  
Dr Troy Yao, Dr Fang Hu, Dr Tyge Kummer & Dr Yuyu ZhangQueensland University of Technology (QUT)An explorative study on the effects of COVID-19 on the provision of auditing services
Dr Tim Hasso & Dr Janice HollindaleBond UniversityThe Role of Accounting in Facilitating Innovation in SMEs
Dr Yang Xu & Professor Elizabeth CarsonUniversity of Queensland (UQ)Mandatory Audit Partner Retirement Policies and Implications for Audit Quality
Dr Katie Tseng, Dr Cathy Wu & Associate Professor Mark WilsonAuckland University of TechnologyThe Impact of The JOBS Act on Management Opportunism
​Dr Hoa Luong, Dr Mukesh Garg & Dr Christofer AdrianUniversity of OtagoFinancial and service performance challenges arising from climate change-induced natural disasters: Evidence from Australian and New Zealand charities
Dr Sudipta BoseUniversity of NewcastleClimate Change Disclosures and Loan Contracting: Cross-Country Evidence
Dr Wei Qian & Dr Amanpreet KaurUniversity of South AustraliaAccounting for Aboriginal Engagement and Reconciliation: An Institutional Framework
Dr Md AkhtaruzzamanAustralian Catholic UniversityRegret aversion and status quo biases in superannuation choices during the COVID-19
Amitav Saha & Dr Sudipta BoseUniversity of Notre Dame AustraliaMarket Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Expenditures: International Evidence
Dr Mariela Carvajal & Dr Chao Kevin LiUniversity of OtagoDo bushfires alter valuation of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia?
Dr Lanita Winata & Dr Shyama RatnasiriGriffith UniversityTurning obstacles into opportunities:  Effects of entrepreneurial orientation, business alliance and technology adoption on innovation and firm's performance
Dr Tasadduq Imam, Dr Robert Grose, Dr Sisira Colombage & Dr Angelique McInnesCQUniversity (Melbourne Campus)FinTechs: Friends or Foes? Perspectives of Australian accountants and financial advisers
Dr Elvis Jarnecic, Associate Professor Antonio Gargano & Dr Marco GiacolettiUniversity of SydneyCompeting for Attention in the Housing Market
Dr Yihui Lan, Associate Professor Yuan Shan & Dr Junru ZhangUniversity of Western Australia (UWA)Discretionary tone in crowdfunding disclosure: can project owners talk their way to success?
Dr Thu Phuong TruongVictoria University of WellingtonSoft regulatory enforcement, management earnings forecast behaviour and information content of analysts' earnings forecasts in a continuous disclosure environment


2019-2020 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients

Grant RecipientUniversityProject
Dr Sabrina ChongAuckland University of TechnologyVisual persuasiveness of photographs in sustainability disclosure: Preparers' and Users' perspectives
Dr Ka Wai (Stanley) ChoiAustralian National UniversityThe Wisdom of Crowds: Using People’s Tweeting on Social Media to Predict Large Stock Price Reversals
Dr Eunice KhooAustralian National UniversityShareholder Support for Directors with CSR Expertise and CSR Performance Records
Dr Adrian Fernandez-Perez, Assistant Professor Ivan Indriawan, Dr Alexandre GarelAuckland University of TechnologyDo crowdsourced forecasts add value beyond analyst forecasts? Evidence from the natural gas market
Mr Adrian Gepp, Mr Milind TiwariBond UniversityIdentifying Shell Companies Being Used for Illicit Activities
Dr Natasja Steenkamp, Dr Roslyn RobertsCentral Queensland UniversityWhat do users focus on while reading an integrated report? Insights from an eye-tracking study
​Dr Baban Eulaiwi, Dr Lien Duong, Dr Ahmed Al-HadiCurtin UniversityThe Deterrent Effect of Money Laundering Risk on Cost of Bank Debt: Evidence from Australia
Dr Imran Haider, Dr Chen Zheng, Dr Junru ZhangCurtin UniversityThe effect of corporate social responsibility on bank liquidity creation
Dr Oliver BlackDeakin UniversityAn examination of the impact of the broadened business advisory role of accountants on the accountant's well-being
​Dr Tze Chuan AngDeakin UniversityCorporate Vote Trading in Australia
Dr Tricia Ong, Associate Professor Hadrian DjajadikertaEdith Cowan UniversityImpacts of new leases accounting standard: A comparative study between the airline and retail industries
Dr Van VuLa Trobe UniversityEnterprise system and financial market quality
​Dr Zhaohua Li, Dr Xiaofei PanLincoln UniversityHow do firms respond to corruption in China? Evidence from firms’ spending on building political connections
Associate Professor Clara Qing ZhouMacquarie UniversityLeverage-constrained investors, asset prices and corporate financing decisions
Mr Dan DaugaardMacquarie UniversityA Quasi Experimental Solution for Fund Flow Endogeneity Problems
Dr Hedy Jiaying Huang, Dr Jenny Jing WangMassey UniversityCulture, control and behaviour: resistance and performance among Chinese hospitality workers
Dr Harvey NguyenMassey UniversityInvestor Inattention and Stock Price Responses to Earnings: International Evidence
Dr Alessandro Ghio, Dr Carly MoulangMonash UniversityPractices that help women flourish: exploring the relationships between effective supporting practices, psychological and workplace outcomes for women accountants.
Assistant Professor Lu Yang, Assistant Professor Leye LiMonash UniversityCSR contracting and management earnings guidance
Dr Ying XiaMonash UniversityIncome inequality and corporate decisions
Dr Sandra Ho, Associate Professor Steven WeiMurdoch UniversityArbitrage and Going Concern Audit Opinions: Corporate Insiders in Australia
Dr Natalie ElmsQ​ueensland University of TechnologyNomination Committees in Australia
Dr Xiaolu HuRMIT UniversityForeign Ownership in Chinese Credit Ratings Industry: Information Revelation or Certification?  
Dr Meredith TharaposRMIT UniversityWomen Professors in Accounting and Finance: Their Paths and Influences
Associate Professor Subhash Abhayawansa, Associate Professor Chris MasonSwinburne University of TechnologyThe role of campaign disclosure and communication strategies in the crowdfunding success of social enterprises
Dr Nandana Pushpakumara WasanthapathiranageSwinburne University of TechnologyClimate risk financial disclosures:  Do investors or analysts use them in their decision-making and, if so, how efficient are analysts in using them?
Dr Chelsea LiuUniversity of AdelaideOn the Basis of Sex and Race: Corporate Governance and Workplace Discrimination Lawsuits
​Associate Professor Antonio Gargano, Assistant Professor Elvis Jarnecic, Assistant Professor Marco GiacolettiUniversity of MelbourneHousing Search and Macroeconomic News
Dr Conor CluneUniversity of New South WalesDisrupting planned CSR-focused governance reform: the lobby against the social licence to operate
Dr Hien HoangU​niversity of New South WalesThe Role Of Auditors In Mitigating Impression Management And Inconsistencies In Other Information
Dr Adrian Melia, Dr Paul DochertyUniversity of NewcastleFirm-specific versus aggregate market investor sentiment: What matters most for corporate announcement returns
​Dr Xinfeng Ruan, Dr Haileslasie TadeleU​niversity of OtagoCorporate Governance and the Firm-Level Jump and Volatility Risks
Dr Xing Han, Dr Zheyao PanUniversity of OtagoA Global Mispricing Factor Model
Associate Professor Wen He, Dr Lin MiUniversity of QueenslandInstitutional Ownership and Equity-financed Payout
Dr Dewan RahmanUniversity of QueenslandDo employee-friendly workplaces reduce rent seeking activities?
Dr Basil Phillip TuckerUniversity of South AustraliaThe part of the iceberg that sinks the ship: Dysfunctional behaviour in Accounting Schools and the implications for management control
Dr Syed ShamsUniversity of Southern QueenslandCan news sentiment prior to acquisition announcement affect acquisition success and efficiency?
Dr Shan Zhou, Dr Anna Young-FerrisUniversity of SydneyHow does the disclosure of financial impact of climate-related risk affect analyst valuation?
Dr Claire HornerUniversity of TasmaniaAccounting for Biodiverse Wildlife Corridor Plantations: Measurement Matters
Dr Debbie Wills, Dr Mai NguyenUniversity of TasmaniaSporting Personalities and Charities in Australia – a Question of Accountability?
Dr Samir Ghannam, Dr Anna Loyeung, Dr Nelson MaUniversity of Technology, SydneyThe consequences of financial expert disclosure on outside directors: Evidence from the director labour market
Dr Nirosha Hewa Wellalage, Dr Anura De ZoysaUniversity of WaikatoThe Indigenous model of business sustainability: Learning from Indigenous Knowledge
Dr Zhuoan FengUniversity of WaikatoProduct market competition and non-GAAP reporting
Assistant Professor Stijn Masschelein, Mr Frank Yuelong MaUniversity of Western AustraliaManagement Control Systems and Individual Learning
Mr Nishant Agarwal, Mr Abdul KhizerUniversity of Western AustraliaManagerial Time and Quality of Operating Decisions: Evidence from Exogenous Information Shock
Dr Rina Datt, Dr Laura Luo, Dr Seedwell Sithole, Dr Ashna Prasad & Dr Abhijeet SinghWestern Sydney UniversityAuditors’ Perceptions on Key Audit Matters (KAM)
​Dr Shiguang Ma, Dr Liangbo MaUniversity of WollongongEarnings management and accounting fraud: Evidence from Chinese family firms


2018-2019 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients:

Grant RecipientUniversityProject
Associate Professor Tom Scott, Dr Matthew Grosse & Dr Nelson MaAuckland University of TechnologyIs Blockholder Diversity Detrimental? (AFAANZ Grant Application)
Dr Agnes MasoeAuckland University of TechnologyAssessing the accountability of Community-based Organisations in Samoa
Dr Lijuan ZhangAustralian National University (ANU) Does earnings guidance affect stock market reactions to management cash flow forecasts? 
Dr Hai Wu
Dr Zhichao Wang
Dr Zhe Wang
Australian National University (ANU)The impact of community social capital on management control system 
Mr Mark BrosnanBond UniversityNon-GAAP Earnings Disclosures: Users’ Perspective
Dr Tim HassoBond UniversityPerformance Measurement and Organizational Outcomes: Panel Data Evidence
Dr Natasja Steenkamp
Dr Roslyn Roberts
Central Queensland UniversityCompany transformation when implementing Integrated Reporting
Dr Tasadduq Imam
Dr Robert Grosse
CQ UniversityInnovations in the FinTech space: Are Australian financial service professionals aware and open to changes?
Dr Harjinder Singh
Dr Nigar Sultana
Curtin UniversityDo firms respond to key audit matters from the auditor by reporting greater levels of earnings conservatism?
​Dr Sagarika Mishra
Dr Abdul Hayat Muhammad
Deakin UniversityEffect of non-linear correlation on diversification benefits for banks and insurance companies in Australia
Dr Erwei (David) Xiang
Dr Wenjuan (Wendy) Ruan
Edith Cowan University (ECU)R&D investment, employee treatment and corporate innovation
Dr Yen BuiFlinders UniversityTowards a better understanding of the retirement adequacy
​Ms Xin QuGriffith UniversityEquity-based compensation of outside directors and investment efficiency
Dr Dale WadesonJames Cook University (JCU)Accountants’ Preferences for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Regional Areas
Dr H.G. (Lily) NguyenUniversity of Queensland (UQ)Short Selling Pressure and Stock Price Crash Risk: International Evidence
Associate Professor Sazali AbidinLincoln UniversityImproving financial well-being of small and medium business-owners in New Zealand through capital restructuring and effective working capital management
Dr Zheyao Pan
Dr Jianlei Han
Macquarie UniversityEconomic Value of Innovations: A New Estimation Approach
Dr Jing Jia
Mr Zhongtian Li
Uni of Tasmania (previous working at Massey University)The Readability of Risk Management Disclosures: Evidence from Australia
Dr Richard Pucci
Dr Paul Thambar
Monash UniversityStandardizing the reporting of service performance information in Australia: An in-depth study of the not-for-profit user and preparer communities
Dr John WebsterMonash UniversityThe Impact of IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements on the Comparability and Decision-Usefulness of Accounting for Joint Ventures 
Dr Feida Zhang
Professor Adrian Cheung
Dr Jamie Tong
Dr Erwei Xiang
Murdoch University
(transferred to UQ)
Distracted shareholders and corporate innovation
Dr Ogan Yigitbasioglu
Dr Jodie Moll
Dr Annette Quayle
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)Cloud Accounting Adoption by SMEs: Benefits, Risks and Implications for Management Accounting
Dr Sarah OsborneQueensland University of Technology (QUT)FinTech and Private Equity: A revolution or demise of investments? 
Dr Angel ZhongRMIT UniversityMeasuring Mispricing in the Australian Equity Market
Dr Michael Kend
Dr Giulia Leoni
RMIT UniversityExploring the Implementation and Informational Value of Reporting Key Audit Matters (KAMs) in Australian Audit Reports.
Dr Scott Niblock
Dr Jennifer Harrison
Associate Professor Michael Kortt
Southern Cross UniversityBarriers to Seeking Financial Advice and Wellbeing: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications 
Dr Mardy ChiahSwinburne University of TechnologyThe economic policy uncertainty premium: International evidence
​Associate Professor Pamela KentUniversity of AdelaideThe Value Relevance of Prior Period Error Corrections under IAS 8
Dr Angela LiewUniversity of AucklandThe Future of Accounting Work
Dr Jonathan Jona
Dr Gladys Lee
University of MelbourneMeasurement and Market Valuation of Cyber Risk
Ms Chuan YuUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW)The Volatility of Fair Value Measurement Inputs and Audit Fees in the U.S. Banking Industry
Dr Stuart TaylorUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW)Partner Level Reputation Shocks from Gains and Losses of Major Clients
Dr Van VuUniversity of NewcastleBank Credit Supply and the Cost of Corporate Borrowing: Evidence from the 2003 U.S. Shale Oil Boom
Van LeUniversity of NewcastleLiquidity Contagion between Stock and Option Markets 
Dr Pallab Kumar Biswas
Dr Mansi Mansi
Dr Rakesh Pandey
University of OtagoSustainability committee demographics and corporate social performance: The Australian evidence
Dr Helen Roberts
Dr Daniel Richards
Associate Professor Rosalind Whiting
University of OtagoFemale Financial Adviser Career Paths: Australia versus New Zealand
 Kelvin TanUniversity of Queensland (UQ)Are Large Shareholders Effective Monitors or Free Riders in Corporate Debt Policy? Evidence from Two Natural Experiments
Dr Trinh Anh Khoa Hoang
Mr Hasibul Chowdhury
University of Queensland (UQ)Revealing crash risk perception from analyst coverage
Associate Professor Sumit LodhiaUniversity of South Australia (UNISA)The transformation of management and reporting systems in response to the Sustainable Development Goals : An exploratory study of Australian Practices 
Dr Syed Shams
Dr Kartick Gupta
University of Southern QueenslandNews sentiment prior to acquisition announcement and acquisition decision
Dr Andrew AinsworthUniversity of SydneyDividend imputation and the cost of capital: What can Australia learn from the international experience?
Dr Jiri Svec
Dr Andrew Ainsworth
University of SydneyThe Information Content of Structured Product Prospectuses
Dr Masoud Azizkhani
Dr Sarowar Hossain
University of TasmaniaEffect of audit committee chair’s characteristics on auditor choice, audit fees, and audit quality
 James WakefieldUniversity of Technology, Sydney (UTS)Disrupting social media disruption through incentive systems
Associate Professor Leon Li
Professor Robert Faff
University of WaikatoAccounting-based or market-based information for bankruptcy prediction? A hybrid approach using regime-switching technique
Dr Lyndie Bayne
Ms Nikki Schonveldt
University of Western Australia (UWA)The effectiveness of teamwork assessment tasks 
Dr Jamie Tong
Assistant Professor Shuqing Luo
University of Western Australia (UWA)Back to Schools: How CEO Pre-career Exposure to Religiosity Affects Firm Innovation?
Dr Xiaofei PanUniversity of WollongongProduct market competition and firm innovation in China
Dr Corinne Cortese
Associate Professor Hazef Abdo
University of WollongongAccounting for oil and gas: has IFRS made a difference?
Dr Liangbo MaUniversity of WollongongCorporate environmental commitment and firm value: Evidence from market reaction to environmental incidents
Dr Shiguang Ma
Dr Liangbo Ma
University of WollongongEarnings management and accounting fraud: Evidence from Chinese family firms 
Dr Riccardo Natoli
Dr Lalith Seelanatha
Dr Guneratne Wickremasinghe
Victoria UniversityLiquidity Risk in Australian Commercial Banks: Impact on Liquidity Management Practices
Dr Connie Vitale
Ms Sharne Simmons
Dr Dorothea Bowyer
Dr Rina Datt
Western Sydney UniversityDeveloping a framework for problem based learning units in Higher Education accounting degrees: Co-created with students using a grounded theory based approach.
Dr Anil MishraWestern Sydney UniversityHome Bias in Banks worldwide
Dr Ushi GhoorahWestern Sydney UniversityTechnical capacity and visual presentation of annual report disclosures: A study of Australian not-for-profit organisations (NFPs)


2017-2018 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients:

Grant RecipientUniversityProject
Dr Sabrina Chong & Dr Anil NarayanAuckland University of TechnologyUtilisation of photographs for CSR disclosure by Australasian companies: A visual razzle-dazzle? 
Dr Xiu-Ye Zhang & Professor Greg ShailerAustralian National University (ANU)Corporate Ethics and Tax Aggressiveness: Evidence from Foreign Bribery.  Title changed to: Unethical culture and Tax Aggressiveness: Evidence from Foreign Bribery
Julia Henker & Mr Johannes BurgerBond UniversityA study of confidence effects on risky asset prices and investor behaviour
Assistant Professor Adrian Gepp & Associate Professor Bruce VanstoneBond UniversityImproving investment performance using automated fraud detection models
Dr Jahanzeb Khan & Dr Rachel HoggCharles Sturt UniversityExploring the Generalisability and Usefulness of Professional Scepticism 
Associate Professor Grantley  Taylor & Dr Mostafa HasanCurtin UniversityDebt maturity structure and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Australia.
Dr Tricia Ong & Associate Professor Hadrian DjajadikertaEdith Cowan University (ECU)Measuring and forecasting impact of new leases accounting standard on the airline industry
Associate Professor Majella Percy & Dr Troy YaoGriffith UniversityPresentation prominence: Does it matter to non-professional and professional investors? The case of 'Other Comprehensive Income'. 
Ms Esin Ozdil & Professor Zahirul HoqueLa Trobe UniversityThe Role of Performance Audits in Ensuring Stewardship and Accountability in Australian Public Sector Entities
Dr Meiting Lu & Dr Shan ZhouMacquarie UniversityIntegrated Reporting, Audit Fees and Audit Quality
Dr Radiah Othman & Dr Rashid  AmeerMassey UniversityA Two-Stage Analysis of financial statements’ misstatements using Benford and Beneish’s Models
Dr Soon-Yeow Phang & Dr Gladys LeeMonash UniversityKey audit matter (KAM) disclosure quality: Factors affecting audit committee members' responsiveness and independence when negotiating with auditors
Dr Terri Trireksani & Associate Professor Hadrian G. DjajadikertaMurdoch UniversityImpacts of accounting students’ perceived career goals and expectations on their approaches to learning
Dr Yin Liao & Professor Adam ClementsQueensland University of Technology (QUT)Improving mean-variance portfolio using a new estimator for optimal hedging relations
Dr My Nguyen & Assistant Professor Barry WilliamsRMIT UniversityNational governance, accounting regulations and systemic stability: International evidence
Dr Dina Wahyuni & Dr Subhash AbhayawansaSwinburne University of TechnologyEngaging with the Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from Australian Public Sector Entities
Dr Sujin Kim & Associate Professor George ShanUniversity of AdelaideCorporate governance, accruals and real-activities based earnings management : Southeast Asian evidence 
Dr Gladys Lee & Professor Susanna HoUniversity of MelbourneThe Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Information on Investors’ Information Processing and Decision-Making: An Eye Tracking Study
Assistant Professor Antonio Gargano & Assistant Professor Steven RiddioughUniversity of MelbourneThe Value of FX Volume
Dr Lili DaiUniversity of New South Wales (UNSW)When Does Reputation Matter? Evidence from Analysts’ Reliance on Management Guidance
Dr Asit Bhattacharyya & Professor Sue WrightUniversity of NewcastleThe impacts of mandated CSR expenditure and financial inclusion on banking performance
Dr Eric Tan & Professor David LontUniversity of OtagoWhom You Know Matters: Manager Networks, Fund Performance, and Money Flows
Dr Mansi Mansi & Dr Rakesh PandeyUniversity of OtagoBoard diversity and its impact on Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption : A  study of top 200 ASX listed firms
Ms Natalie Xiaowen Peng & Dr Karen AlpertUniversity of Queensland (UQ)Information Costs and Superannuation Choices in Australia
Dr Clara Zhou & Dr Kelvin TanUniversity of Queensland (UQ)Can Business Shocks Explain the Failure of Empirical Tests of Capital Structure Theories?
Dr Reza Bradrania & Dr Sean AnthoniszUniversity of South Australia (UNISA)Asymmetric risk and expected corporate bond returns
Dr Lyn Daff & Dr Claire  BeatieUniversity of Southern QueenslandThe views of regional accounting and finance employers regarding preparing graduates for the continual changes in IT: a comparison between public practice, industry and government employers
​Dr Ava Wu & Dr Shan ZhouUniversity of SydneyIntegrated Reporting and Earnings Quality.  Title changed to : The unintended consequence of practising integrated reporting: Evidence on opportunistic earnings management
Dr Byoung-Kyu MinUniversity of SydneyPost-earnings-announcement drift and expected growth risk
Dr Vladimir Volkov & Professor Mardi Dungey University of TasmaniaMeasuring interconnectedness of the global equity market from historical decompositions 
Dr Vitali Alexeev University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)Warping Time: Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Tick-by-tick Data in Portfolio Optimisation
Dr Geeta Duppati & Professor Robert FaffUniversity of WaikatoThe Joint Effects of Ownership Concentration, Board Independence and Innovation on Idiosyncratic Risk.  Title change: Efects of institutional ownership on innovation and firm performance: Evidence from OECD and emerging economies
Dr Keith Godfrey & Professor Robert FaffUniversity of Western Australia (UWA)Precious Metals Trading
Dr Chloe Choy Yeing Ho & Dr Jing YuUniversity of Western Australia (UWA)Do institutional investors recognise unburnable carbon? Evidence from private placements.
Dr Bin Liu & Dr Monica TanUniversity of WollongongShort selling and asymmetrical behaviour of idiosyncratic volatility
Dr Binh Bui & Dr Thu Phuong TruongVictoria University of WellingtonPerformance impacts of carbon management control systems
Mr Daniel Yeung & Associate Professor George ShanWestern Sydney UniversityCarbon Disclosure and Managerial Ownership Entrenchment
Dr Seedwell Sithole & Dr Rina DattWestern Sydney UniversityLearning with concepts maps in an Auditing and Assurance class


2016-2017 AFAANZ Research Grant Recipients:

Grant RecipientUniversityProject
Di BuBond UniversityModeling of Tail Risk Spillover Effect among Financial Institutions
Ka Wai (Stanley) ChoiAustralian National UniversityDeterrent effects of disclosure regulation enforcements under the responsive enforcement regime
Jeff CoultonUNSW, AustraliaIs there a role for the accounting profession in the adoption of SROI in not-for-profit organisations?
Yong LiThe University of QueenslandA new non-parametric model for measuring portfolio downside risk
Youngdeok LimUNSWCustomer satisfaction and management earnings forecasts
Isabel Z WangThe University of Western AustraliaThe effect of delegation and motivated forgetting on misreporting: The moderating role of mindfulness
Fawad AhmadMassey UniversityAuditors Response to Political Stability and Military/Political Connections
Shumi AkhtarThe University of SydneyThe causes and consequences of cross border Multinational Corporations’ M&A activities.  
Zhe AnMonash UniversityAuditors’ Response to Clients’ Short Sale Exposure: International Evidence
Kym Cherie ButcherMacquarie UniversityThe effect of emotional intelligence and work values on job stress, wellbeing and academic performance of Australian accounting and finance academics
Mariela CarvajalUniversity of OtagoAccrual and Real-Based Earnings Management around IFRS in non-European firms
Sean FoleyThe University of SydneySubstantial Shareholders Trading Impact in Australia
Haozhi HuangRMIT UniversityDoes Stable Business Relationship matter? Evidence from Analyst Recommendation
Jesmin IslamUniversity of CanberraFactors impeding the participation of Indigenous students in accounting and finance education at the tertiary level in Australia: A socio-political, cultural and historical perspective 
Jonathan JonaThe University of MelbourneDo remedies for the liabilities of foreignness in capital markets work? Empirical evidence from foreign IPOs in the US
Michael KendRMIT UniversityThe Value Relevance of Segment Accounting Data to Private Equity Investors when Selecting Target Acquisitions: A Cross Country Analysis.
Pamela KentUniversity of AdelaideManagement Incentives to manipulate accounting information through Prior Period Error Corrections under IAS 8
Roman LanisUniversity of Technology, SydneyExecutive remuneration and tax avoidance of multinational firms operating in Australia.
Bronwyn McCredieQueensland University of TechnologyDo Internal Trading Policies Mitigate Rent Extraction by Insiders? An Examination of the ASX Listing Rule 12.9-12
Wei QianUniversity of South AustraliaDischarging environmental accountability via social media – China’s PX case
Dinithi RanasingheUniversity of OtagoManagerial Ability in Meeting and Beating Earnings Benchmarks
Syed ShamsUniversity of Southern QueenslandFinancial Readability of Target-firm and Mergers and Acquisitions
Stephen  SmithMonash UniversityRisk presentation format and retirement portfolio preferences: Emotions and risk-taking rationality at different levels of financial competence
Stephen ThieleQueensland University of TechnologyAnalysing liquidity via a new estimator for stock trading costs.
Subhash AbhayawansaSwinburne University of TechnologyDoes integrated reporting improve firm performance?
Bobae ChoiUniversity of NewcastleThe Impact of Institutional Ownership on Executive Compensation: Australian Evidence
Christine ContessottoDeakin UniversityKey Audit Matters, Materiality Thresholds and Financial Reporting Quality
​Pandula GamageVictoria UniversityExploring the use of performance information by Councillors in the Australian local government 
Wend JamesCharles Darwin UniversityA Critical Analysis of the Financial Health of Australian Local Councils
Nagaratnam JeyasreedharanUniversity of TasmaniaThe behaviour of diffusion and jump risks in conflict and post-conflict markets (Evidence from Sri Lanka)
Reza MonemGriffith UniversityGender diversity in boards and pay-performance link
Lily NguyenLa Trobe UniversityOwnership structure and firm innovation: Australian evidence
Kelvin TanThe University of QueenslandCEO Overconfidence and Corporate Debt Issuance: Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Feida ZhangMurdoch UniversityLanguage and corporate cash holdings
Yushu ZhuThe University of QueenslandThe real effects of debt covenant violations: evidence from a financial crisis
Michelle GoyenUniversity of New EnglandThe effect of motivational and constraining factors on Egyptian accounting students’ 
destination choice for higher education in Australian universities.
Denise JacksonEdith Cowan UniversityGauging and developing innovative capabilities in Accounting and Finance graduates
Abhijeet SinghCurtin University of TechnologyAuditor Industry Specialization and Audit Quality in Australia
Yuanji WenThe University of Western AustraliaEffects of Dark Pool Trading on Liquidity and Price Discovery: An Experimental Approach
Yen BuiFlinders UniversityExpectations and satisfactions with Australian superannuation funds: Comparing self-managed super funds and retail funds
Huiying WuUniversity of Western SydneyDoes it pay to be green? Evidence from China