Audited Accounts

The following audited accounts for AFAANZ are produced each year to 31 December:

2023 Audited Financial Statements

2022 Audited Financial Statements

2021 Audited Financial Statements

2020 (Audited Supplementary information to members is included on page 9)

2019 (Audited Supplementary information to members is included on page 6)

2018 (Audited Supplementary information to members is included on page 7)

2017 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 26)

2016 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 21)

2015 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 22)

2014 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 22)

2013 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 26)

2012 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 24)

2011 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 28)

2010 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 26)

2009 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 27)

2008 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 27)

2007 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 29)

2006 (Click here for Unaudited Supplementary information to members)

2005 (Unaudited Supplementary information to members is included on page 26)