Experience learning and networking opportunities through the AFAANZ Insight Series!

The AFAANZ Insight Series is a monthly event from February to November. The highly interactive program will be primarily virtual, providing better access to AFAANZ members across the globe. Enhance your research and teaching skills, get advice on publishing, be informed of recently introduced accounting standards, get hands-on experience of emerging pedagogical technology and connect with your colleagues across Australia, New Zealand and beyond.

Mark your calendar, the next events in the Insight Series are:

To register for this event, click HERE


Matthew Hall is Professor of Accounting at Monash University. His research interests relate to management accounting and performance measurement, with a specific focus on measuring value in difficult to measure contexts, such as in mutuals and cooperatives, nonprofits, and social enterprises. His work has been published in a variety of leading international journals in the accounting, management and non-profit fields, including Accounting, Organizations and Society, Management Accounting Research, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Management Studies, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and Voluntas.


Annemarie Conrath-Hargreaves is a Lecturer in Accounting at Monash University. Annemarie is a change-maker and sustainability advocate, who is passionate about the potential for accounting to shape desirable realities. In her research, Annemarie focuses on the public sector and socio-ecological sustainability issues, taking a special interest in the politics of standard-setting and the role of (lay) experts in different contexts. Her work is regularly presented at international conferences and has been published in journals such as the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (AAAJ) and Abacus.


Tirukumar Thiagarajah is an experienced academic at Monash University with a keen interest in Nonprofit and Non-Governmental Organisations. He is passionate about accounting education, accountability, understanding performance information and authentic communication. Tirukumar has recently completed a PhD in Management Accounting with a keen interest in understanding NGO performance communication. His work has been published in the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (AAAJ).

Recommended Pre-Reading

Wiegmann, L., Conrath-Hargreaves, A., Guo, Z., Hall, M., Kober, R., Pucci, R., Thambar, P.J. and Thiagarajah, T. (2025), "Methodological Insights: This is not an experiment: using vignettes in qualitative accounting research", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 418-440. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-10-2023-6704

To register for this event, click HERE


To register for this event, click HERE

To register for this event, click HERE

To register for this event, click HERE


ESG Reporting Divergance


You can download the paper HERE, and the event powerpoint slides HERE

Public Sector and Public Value Accountability in New Zealand


Public Sector Sustainability Accounting & Reporting


Regulating Greenwashing

Powerpoint slides:


AASB Post-Implementation Reviews and research opportunities


QualRAN Workshop: Publishing Strategies

You can view Professor John Dumay's slides HERE

AASB Climate Reporting Standards Exposure Draft

For the AASB Climate Reporting Standards Exposure Draft pdf, click HERE
To view Eric Lee's slide presentation, click HERE
To view Ellie Chapple's slide presentation, click HERE


Enhancing research project by re-imagining the research process