QualRAN SIG: How can accounting researchers better utilise qualitative methodologies
How can accounting researchers better utilise qualitative methodologies to bring social issues and challenges to life
This webinar addresses: · What makes qualitative methodologies suitable for such research? What are their strengths? · How should we think about the contexts in which social issues and challenges occur? In what ways are they “social?” · How do organisations and people that we study form part of (or connect with) the wider social? · How can such research bring social issues and challenges to life?, For example, by leveraging emergent qualitative technologies and design. |
Recommended Pre-reading: T. Ahrens, Paper development in qualitative accounting research: Bringing social contexts to life, QRAM 2022 vol. 19 iss. 1 – Prof. Ahrens will expand on emergent issues related to discussions in this paper.